Show the big freeze the door

keep warm in winter
Temperatures are dropping in the UK with flurries of snow and icy winds forecast throughout January. With this in mind, we invite you to warm up with our super-hot prices on all things cosy for you and your family. Continue reading

Top 5 Autumn Knits

With the colder weather approaching fast I have searched the internet for my top 5 free autumn knitting patterns; I hope you like them!

First up is these gorgeous scallop lace hat from Ruby Submarine. A really pretty modern design perfect for the cooler weather; this could be created in any colour although I am loving this colour!



Next we have these cute autumn leaves from My 1929 Charmer. These could be used for all different craft projects and would probably fun to get the kids involved too.


One of my big favourites has to be this easy knitted headband from A Stash Addict Blog. Perfect for the cold weather and look super cute on both children and adults,;love the idea of matching mother and daughter ones!


A must have for everyone’s autumn wardrobe this Stockholm scarf from All Free Knitting. Much nicer to have a hand knitted scarf in your choice of colour than to get a boring shop bought one!


And finally I have found these cute fable mitts from Just A Day Dream Arts. It’s always a good idea to have a nice pair of knitted gloves and even better when they are fingerless making using your phone etc still easy to use whilst keeping your fingers warm!


The Snow Is Finally Upon Us

Bird Table

Well as you may have noticed the news has been bombarding us with fear mongering weather warnings for the past few weeks in a vein attempt to prepare us for something that the British are never prepared for despite experiencing the same thing every year. Whats that you may ask?… SNOW!

Yes, it seems we have finally been hit with a bout of snow. As usual the Traffic has gone insane and there are people crashing their cars left right and center. I should mention here that if you are thinking of going out in a car in the snow then drive slow and very carefully. You have no doubt got a much better chance of getting to work in this weather by walking, as long as you don’t live to far away that is. If you fancy taking a mini winter expedition in the snow before it melts why not do it in some of our fantastic Snow Boots.


Anyway, we have shared a few images in this post of what the snow is like in our area so based on that, wrap up warm, and make sure you stay snuggled up in a nice thick blanket on these chilly winter nights. If your outside building a snowman make sure you wrap up your children warm and don’t forget your sun-glasses to protect from snow blindness.

Have Fun This Winter =D

Keep your feet snug and warm in winter with our snow boots

Winter is just around the corner, only a few months away now. If its anything like the last few winters, its going to blanket the streets in glorious white snow. There will be children building snowmen and people ice skating to work on the canals of Amsterdam again for the first time since 1997 (well maybe not exactly like last year). Anyway, if mother nature is anything to go by, you are certainly going to need something to protect your little tootsies from the freezing cold.

This is where we call upon Mill Outlets trusty and vast supply of Snow Boots. We stock a selection of different snow boot brands available in a variety of sizes. Our Snow Boots are incredibly warm, comfy and perfect for keeping you or your children’s feet safe from the chills in the winter.

Take a look at our latest stock of snow boots, and give your feet the thermal base layer they really need.